Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sir Eben Upton

Please help out Jake Beningo :

Here's some stuff from his latest course :

Script Automation

•Login Automatically
–sudo nano /etc/initab
– comment out
•1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 tty1
•1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f pi tty1
/dev/tty1 2>&1
•Script start on login
–nano ~/.bashrc

–At the bottom add “sudo python /path/”

So, what's my problem? How the hell are you supposed to find out such stuff on your own? Is this teaching or spoonfeeding? Do you want to give a man a fish or teach him how to fish? A good teacher makes himself unnecessary. You need to motivate finding out such information and teach how to go find it!!

Oh Jake

Get your act together man :)

rpi-serial-console status

cool. That works.

rpi-serial-console disable

Serial console can only be disabled by root user

Okay, no big deal, you run again as sudo. But, when you're broadcasting to so many folks through a reputed host, isn't it a good idea to double check everything? How hard is it to hire a college freshman for minimum wage to do this - couple hours at most. For all you know, a python script could easily check out all your code snippets..

Then, few slides down, more frustration.. "Setting up the UART". How the f are you supposed to get the 2nd window that shows the serial-port interaction? On the PC it would be realterm.. What are you supposed to do on the Pi?

Here's a potentially useful resource : raspberry pi

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Genius of Jake Beningo

Phew, the guy gets paid to teach this stuff :

if State == 0:
          GPIO.output( GREEN_LED, False)
          State = 1
else :
          GPIO.output( GREEN_LED, True)
          State = 0

within a while loop. Yuck.

He made State an integer. Dude, why?

Here's the right way :

GPIO.output( GREEN_LED, State )
State = not State

Motion : The Great Pi Enabler

Screw You Adafruit!

wpa-ssid "ssid"
wpa-psk "password"

indeed!! Not true!

No double quotes! At least not on the Debian they sold me!

I was eventually going to try that, but got there faster thanks to seeing this :

raspberry pi wifi WPA