Sunday, August 30, 2020

Wireless Hello World

That means - you press a (possibly virtual) button and an LED lights up someplace else.

 Arduino, HC-05 bluetooth module, breadboard, processing, sketch, blue control Android app

Google search that was useless : "what is the easiest way to get a notification on your phone from a device at home?"

Another one "do you need a subscription to get notifications from home kit devices?"

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Set Up Raspberry Pi's WiFi Access Through Windows

Okay, had heard that, once you have the card ready for the Pi, it's also readable on the PC - in an intelligible way.

Tried the card from 5 years ago - and, when I plug it in (it's an SD, not microSD BTW - for the version 1 Pi)- I get two new USB drives showing - one readable, the other saying "Need to format." No thanks.

But, with the brand new one I just got, when I plug in, I get..

four new drives! And yes, there's a boot(G:) that does have the wpa_supplicant.conf

So, let's see :)

Yes, that gets the Pi showing up when you run nmap through the Zenmap GUI (for those of you who are wary of the Russian alternative - Advanced IP Scanner).

But, try getting in with ssh and... connection refused. *d Caleb Bergquist. Be thorough man!

Turns out, you need a file in your boot directory called ssh - just an empty file. And that will take care of it. My advice, go to Cygwin and then /cygdrive/g and touch it and you're done. Notepad++ manages to still give you grief, though I'm sure it's Windows to be blamed.

But, beware - what do you do if you've booted up your Pi and now can't turn it off for want of being able to connect? Caveman :( You have to connect a USB keyboard and then, very carefully,

CTRL-ALT-F1 and then very carefully, "sudo shutdown -h now" and see the LED blink 10 times and then you're good to pull the plug.